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Te Horo Harvest
Handmade, Certified Organic (OFNZ) Spreads, Chutneys and Jams
We sell directly to visitors to our farm shop and kitchen at​ 446 Otaki Gorge Road, at the beginning of the "Totara Tunnel" (where the trees form a tunnel across the road). We sell fresh produce in season and honey from our bees. We also serve coffee on fine days in the garden.
Commonsense Organics
4 stores in Wellington, Lower Hutt and Kapiti
1 store in Auckland (Mt Eden)
Tel: (04) 801 0098
Naturally Organic Albany
Shop 23, 100 Don McKinnon Drive Northridge Plaza, Albany, Auckland
Tel: (09) 447 3508
Cornucopia Organics, 221E Heretaunga Street,
Hastings, Hawkes Bay
Tel: (06) 876 6248
Organics Out West
7/273 West Coast Rd, Glen Eden, Auckland
Tel: 0508 688 9378
Wild Earth Organics
777 Cameron Road, Tauranga
Tel: 07 578 7211 or 07 5787311
Thames Organic
736 Pollen St, Thames
Tel: 07 868 8797
Wholefoods Market and Health Store
52 Riccarton Rd, Christchurch.
Tel: 03 348 1823

And start living healthy TODAY
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